C4 Africa

C4 News


Welcome to the new and updated C4 Africa site. It is good to see that you have made it through to our blog page. This is the most exciting new development for us. The blog will allow us to pass on relevant and interesting information in a format that is easily..

The importance of oxygen and water in metabolic pathways

The Importance of oxygen and water in metabolic pathways….

HPAI-H5 N8 (High Pathogenic Avian Influenza) break is Southern Africa

 Jun 23, 2017  It has been confirmed that the H5 N8 strain of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza has been isolated from a breeder operation in South Africa. All AI viruses can be transmitted among birds through direct contact with secretions from infected birds, especially faeces or…

Vehicle Disinfection and Control Procedures Practice

Jun 17, 2017 Vehicles Arriving at Poultry Sites: Control of all movements (e.g. of equipment and personnel) must be given immediate priority in the event of a disease outbreak The following biosecurity measures should be adopted by all personnel in the poultry industry in the…

** UPDATE** HPAI – H5 N8 (High Pathogenic Avian Influenza) break in Zimbabwe

HPAI – H5 N8 (High Pathogenic Avian Influenza) break in Zimbabwe ** UPDATE *** Considering the communication issued on 8 June 2017 and the meeting held between the poultry veterinary group, DAFF and industry leaders held on 9 June 2017. The authorities are of the…

HPAI – H5 N8 (High Pathogenic Avian Influenza) break in Zimbabwe

Jun 17, 2017 Recent history of the disease There has been an increased number of Highly Pathogenic Avian influenza (AI) outbreaks globally in the past 15 years. This increasing number has been due to changes of the virus, the growth of the poultry industry in the world, increases…

Flips and Water-Belly (Ascities) Whats actually going on?

Dec 5, 2013 Flips and water-belly (the latter referred to as ascites), are both non-infectious causes of death common to the modern broiler regardless of breed. Both of these conditions are related to the stress that the demands of growth put on the bird’s heart. In this piece we…

Feeding of Layer Hens

Oct 19, 2013 Layer hens are genetically developed to convert feed to eggs unlike in broiler genetics where the emphasis is on converting feed into body mass. The most import concept of layer nutrition is to understand that layer hens eat to meet their energy needs. As the energy…

Newcastle Disease

Sep 19, 2013 Not only is Newcastle Disease (NCD) one of the most important diseases in commercial poultry, it is also a notifiable disease in South Africa and therefore, the state has to be informed of any infection  or even suspected infection. This disease, which is caused by a..

Soya Quality and Poultry Nutrition

Soya bean and its various products that are derived from soya beans contain anti nutritional factors. Some of these factors include residual anti-nutrients that reduce digestibility, protease inhibitors (anti-trypsin), allergenic proteins, lipozygenase, urease and…

Feeding of Broiler Breeders

Sep 18, 2013 Key principles of Feeding Broiler Breeders: The various elements found on the breeder production graphs need to be read in conjunction with one another. Namely body weight, egg weight, egg production and feeding levels. Looking and managing only a few parameters and…

Chicken Anaemia Virus

Sep 18, 2013 Chicken Anaemia Virus (CAV) or Chicken Infectious Anaemia Virus CAV is a small virus that is found all over the world. It is very resistant to disinfectants and it is generally considered to be present to a greater or lesser extent on all chicken farms.  The virus is…

Avian Pneumovirus = TRT = Dikkop (Swollen Head Syndrome)

 Aug 7, 2013 The virus that causes Dikkop (Swollen Head Syndrome) belongs to the Pneumovirus group of respiratory viruses and should always be on the list of differential diagnoses when it comes to a “snick” in the poultry house. In broilers, we see a unilateral or bilateral…

Out and About in 2013

Jan 13, 2013 So a new year and new challenges begin. Here at C4 Africa we are really excited about the prospects that the year holds and we are starting it off at a rapid pace. Chris has already been through to Mozambique as well as Lusaka and Chisamba in Zambia. Before the end of…

IB and IB variants – what’s a variant and what’s all the fuss about?

Nov 12, 2012 Infectious bronchitis (IB) is a common poultry virus affecting the upper respiratory tract of birds With the increasing stocking densities in today’s modern poultry production systems, its effects are becoming more and more significant. The virus was first identified…