C4 Africa

C4 Africa Trading

C4 Africa Trading has been set up by C4 Africa Holdings as an added service offering  to our clients throughout Africa.

The need for routine vaccination is critical to optimize the success and continued growth of your operation. In terms of vaccine and product supply, cost management and timely delivery, C4 Africa Trading provides the ultimate vaccine and health product management solution. 

Working in conjunction with your consulting veterinarian and through our diverse network and relationships with all pharmaceutical companies, we are able to offer a unique, consolidated vaccine and product shipment to your door.

You supply us with your:

  • Recommended vaccination schedule
  • Placement dates
  • Volumes required
  • Other veterinary, farming and product requirements

 From this we are able to:

  • Gather quotes from the various suppliers 
  • Supply a full costing for your vaccination needs per placement/flock

 Once approved and paid we:

  • Procure
  • Consolidate 
  • Ship the vaccines and/or product to your farm, depot or nearest airport